Colombo – 28 January 2013
The British Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is
undergoing the latest and possibly most serious internal crisis since its
foundation in the late 1970s, as loyal members warn of its “inevitable demise” or
“terminal decline” unless there are urgent reforms.
One of the largest far-left organisations in Europe,
and the leader of an international trotskyist current – the International
Socialist Tendency – that has or once had important members in countries such
as Canada, Greece, the USA and Zimbabwe – the implosion of the SWP is not, on
the surface, to do with ideological disputes or differences of political
Instead, it revolves around a more awkward question
for radical organisations: issues of patriarchy and women’s oppression
-- including its reproduction within the working class movement -- as well as the “interior
reality of socialist organisation” (Sheila Rowbotham).
The present unhappiness among members and supporters
of the SWP began with the manner in which its leadership handled allegations of
rape made by one of its women cadre against a central member of its leadership.
These acts and omissions have, in the view of many, caused “significant and
irreversible damage” to the reputation of the SWP.
As always, one issue soon leads to another: the stubbornness
of the SWP leadership in recognising its fault; the undemocratic internal
regime of the SWP; and the dawning realisation that for the leadership and
older members of the party, “feminism” is a term of abuse.
Internal Processes
It all began when an internal inquiry into the rape
allegation exonerated the male leader concerned. The only sanction he faced was
to be dropped from the slate for the incoming central committee after the
January 2013 party conference; but he continues to be a member ‘in good
standing’ and indeed, full-timer of the SWP.
The matter is now “closed”, according to the
leadership; but many members, especially younger women and men in its university
student societies disagree.
When the transcript of the inquiry was leaked, it
revealed that the process had been biased and unfair to the woman involved,
inflaming disgruntled cadre. Their outrage, also shared by many other Leftists,
feminists, and trade unionists, is that a socialist organisation that supports
women’s liberation should be so insensitive to the crime of rape, and appear to
protect one of its leadership against whom there are earlier allegations of
sexual misconduct.
As critics observe, revolutionary organisations need
to continuously combat within its own structures and among its own members, ideologies
and practices that are oppressive, such as violence against women. For this
reason, two decades ago, the Mexican Fourth Internationalists adopted a remarkable
text on the need to defend women comrades from physical violence; sexual
violence; and verbal violence, by other members.
Internal Regime
The SWP does not tolerate organised currents of its
members on internal questions, outside of the right to form a faction for its
three-month pre-conference period. Any such faction must be dissolved at the
end of the conference. The leadership is composed only of the majority current
and is a semi-permanent homogenous bloc; renewing itself only with those
acceptable to it. Political minorities are not included on the leadership.

The SWP has favourably contrasted its version of
‘democratic centralism’ with that of organisations of the Fourth International,
where there are full rights to have short or long-term tendencies and factions,
and where representatives of minority tendencies and factions are included (in
proportion to the support received at delegate conferences) in all leadership
There is no doubt that long-lasting factions within
organisations reflect serious divergences, and is no cause for celebration!
However, any ban on factions is a bureaucratic means of suppressing genuine political
differences. These differences cannot be resolved by preventing their open
discussion; rather, only the freedom to publicly discuss, and even apply
different tactics, allows for the possibility of their narrowing within a
common organisational framework.
Where internal dissent is not permitted by rules, it does
not stop. Instead, it continues outside of the formal structures through
informal individual interactions – after formal meetings, or by telephone and
email, and through social media. In fact, the SWP expelled four of its party
workers just before its recent conference, for the ‘offence’ of airing organisational
and political issues on their Facebook pages! Where there is no space for open
and respectful discussion of differences, dissenting individuals drift away;
while those who remain become paralysed politically and cynical about their
own organisation.
What’s worse, according to its external critics, is
that the SWP transplants the same bureaucratic centralist regime within non-party
organisations, structures and campaigns that it leads or participates. The lack
of democracy, pluralism, and respect for the opinions of numerical and
political minorities repels Leftists not organised by the SWP and is an
obstacle to building unitary initiatives, whether in trade union or community
struggles or in creating a political force (at once extra-parliamentary and
electoral) to represent those unrepresented by the pro-capitalist parties.
Feminism and Socialism
Another aspect of the SWP’s troubles common to the Sri
Lankan Left is the reduction of women’s oppression to capitalism and class
society. Although women were founders and leaders of the first Left party in
Sri Lanka; and were influenced by the first wave of feminism in the early 20th
century; the Left in Sri Lanka has generally been antagonistic towards
feminism, denouncing it as an ideology of middle-class women.
Women on the Left shaped by the second wave of
feminism in the late 1960s and 1970s were not able or willing to stay within
their anti-feminist organisations. Some became leaders of non-governmental
organisations in the 1980s, but in the absence of an autonomous women’s
liberation movement in Sri Lanka, and the retreat of the Left everywhere, were
unable or disinterested to sustain and develop socialist feminist ideas and
This failure meant that Left parties and trade unions
were never challenged to admit and discard their backwardness on women’s
oppression; whereas the Tamil national liberation struggle in the 1970s forced
some Left and labour organisations to recognise that national oppression could
not be dismissed as secondary to the struggle for socialism.
Back in Britain, militants of the Socialist Workers
Party are leaving in disgust believing it to be irredeemably “tainted by a
toxic combination of sexism, unaccountability, [and] anti-democratic
manoeuvring”, (to borrow from China Miéville).
The Serbian affiliate of the International Socialist
Tendency (IST) has withdrawn in protest; and leading Left intellectuals in
other countries have signed an open letter breaking all links with the British
More resignations and possibly expulsions will follow,
as the leadership dismisses appeals for a special party conference to review
the case that sparked this chain of events; especially as its critics also
demand a change in leadership and greater internal democracy.
The crisis in the SWP holds a mirror to the Left everywhere
to draw appropriate lessons about the internalisation of patriarchy and authoritarian
and male-dominated organisational cultures; or to be cast aside by those who realise
that to change the world also includes to change ourselves. The personal is
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